Date Published: 08/25/1997

Ann Arbor company may hold key to fragrance mystery

Q: In the 1950’s my mother wore a cologne by the name of Midnight, made by the Tussy Company. I have searched for this fragrance to no avail. Do you know the company and could they have sold the ingredients to another company that is making it under another name? If so, would you have any way of finding this out? I would love to surprise my husband because I was wearing Midnight when we met and fell in love. We just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. ~~ E.K., Lapeer

A: There is a Michigan company located in Ann Arbor, Fragrances Unlimited, that specializes in discontinued and hard-to-find fragrances for men and women. There is a good chance that they would carry Midnight because 80 percent of their fragrances are colognes and eau de toilette. If this unique mail-order company doesn’t have Midnight in stock, they will do a quick search to see if it can be located. If it can’t, your request will be kept on file for future reference, usually for 12-months or until the cologne is received or deemed unavailable.

You can contact Gary Droz, founder and CEO of Fragrances Unlimited, by calling 734-434-0692 or by writing him at 4836 Washtenaw Ave., A-7, Ann Arbor, MI, 48108.