Every year there’s a new fragrance to try and buy, but in order to make room for them on the shelves, old ones are removed. If you’ve got your nose up in the air over long-gone favorite
Every year there’s a new fragrance to try and buy, but in order to make room for them on the shelves, old ones are removed. If you’ve got your nose up in the air over long-gone favorite
Fragrances spark memories. Now if you want your grandmother’s favorite scent or the perfume your mother wore when you were a child, Fragrances Unlimited can bring it to you. The new mail-orde
Fragrances Unlimited owner Gary Droz has opened a small mail-order business selling hard-to-find perfumes. The address: 4836 Washtenaw Ave., A7, Ann Arbor, MI, 48108
Do you long for such discontinued and hard-to-find fragrances as Aphrodesia, Tigress, Ciao, Arpege, Babe by Fabrege, Black Label, Patchouli Musk, Sophia or Scoundrel? Gary Droz, form
Fragrance suggests beauty, creates an illusion that echoes a presence and provides a unique signature, which gives depth and dimension to the person who wears it. However, perfume can only weave it
Q: In the 1950’s my mother wore a cologne by the name of Midnight, made by the Tussy Company. I have searched for this fragrance to no avail. Do you know the company and could they ha
Q: I have been looking for my favorite Bill Blass fragrance. Hudson’s used to carry it, but now I have been told they no longer have the product and that I should look in the drugstor
Tracking down perfumes is technically what Gary Droz does. But his real business is sniffing out memories. A recent inquiry into Droz’s 2-month-old Fragrances Unlimited company
Ann Arbor company banks on nostalgic fragrances for sales. Ann Arbor ~ To Gary Droz’s discriminating nose, an aged, sweet-citrus spray or spic
Dear Dr. Fashion: The only thing my mother-in-law wants for Christmas is Gio by Giorgio Armani. I live in Big Rapids, so I will probably have to order it from somewhere. Thanks for
Dear Dr. Fashion: I am trying to locate a perfume called Tea Rose from Perfumer’s Workshop. It was recommended for the older woman, and it worked out just great for me.
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, MI ~~ Richmond Times Dispatch Knight Ridder Newspapers Dr. Fashion ~ Holly Hanson Dear Dr. Fashion: I can no longer find my fav
Dear Dr. Fashion: In the 50’s and 60’s, I wore Faberge’s Woodhue Perfume. It was my signature; people would smell me coming. Could you recommend something close t